Riding out in Tbilisi
Catch Of Riders and Running Horses in this short documentary about Tbilisi International Festival Theatre.
From the field: Tbilisi and Seoul
Last month we joined Still House in Tbilisi, Georgia to present Of Riders and Running Horses and a UK cultural delegation in Seoul, South Korea. Here are some notes from the field.
MAYK Joins Arts Council England's Agents for Change Programme
MAYK has been selected to be part of Arts Council England South West’s pioneering Agents for Change programme.
Agents for Change pairs artists with organisations for a six-month programme to explore new ways of addressing diversity and equalities issues.
Every Body's Spectacular – Notes from Reykjavik
There's nothing like trying to drag a suitcase through the streets of Edinburgh at the tail end of the Fringe to make you want to escape to a quieter place. I finished four inspiring days at the world's biggest arts festivals with Rachel Clerke's blistering Cuncrete ringing in my ears and headed for Iceland; a place that couldn’t really be more different to Edinburgh in August.
Reykjavik’s Every Body’s Spectacular festival is collaborative working at its best. Two distinct programmes, Lókal and Reykjavik Dance Festival, combine for an annual festival of local and international work. We’ve been lucky to have been invited for a number of years, and it’s been great to get to know some of the local artists on this remote volcanic rock.
Welcome to our new website
Welcome to our new website. After at least five years of being stuck in 2009, we've finally made ourselves a new one.