
MAYK Projects Matthew Austin MAYK Projects Matthew Austin

Raquel Meseguer Zafe – I (still) dream of resting spaces

I’ve lived with chronic pain for 14 years, and that means I need to lie down (a lot). For a while my world got really small. And so in 2016 I began to play with lying down in public so I could be out in the world more: I lay down on trains, in galleries, on benches. I was beginning to feel bold about this ‘practice’ of public rest, and the shame I’d felt at having different needs and needing to navigate the world differently was beginning to fall away......and then I set off a security alert by lying down on the 6th Floor of the Southbank Centre (during a disability arts festival!).

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Horizon Matthew Austin Horizon Matthew Austin

Horizon Programme Announcement

We are delighted to reveal the programme for Horizon - Performance Created in England, a vibrant new showcase connected to this year’s Edinburgh Festival Fringe taking place from 16-28 August across locations in England and virtually. Commissioned by Arts Council England, the Horizon showcase is being delivered by a consortium made up of Battersea Arts Centre, Dance4, Fierce, GIFT, MAYK and Transform.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Commission Call: Bristol Pride and MAYK

Bristol Pride and MAYK are embarking on a new creative collaboration which will offering a seed commission to an artist, company or collective to spend some time developing a new idea for a live performance work that has the potential to be performed at Mayfest and Bristol Pride 2022.

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Let Artists Be Artists: Three Artists Selected

Back in summer 2020, our friends at Strike a Light proposed a simple question. What would happen if organisations employed artists in the same way that they employ other cultural workers?

We joined them on a quest to find out. And now, together with a group of other fantastic partner organisations, we’ve been able to appoint 3 artists – 1 full-time and 2 part-time – to ‘just be artists’ for one year.

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MAYK Matthew Austin MAYK Matthew Austin

Let Artists Be Artists: Recruitment Call Out

Earlier this year we put a proposal out there– what happens if you employ an artist for a year, to just be an artist?

The pandemic has highlighted the inequalities and challenges that artists face. We don’t want to go ‘back to normal’ and so we’re proposing a different way of working.

What would happen or change if you were employed for a year? If you were trusted to lead your own creative work, and have paid time to think, have conversations and create if you want? If you could get off the project treadmill for a bit and explore what being an artist means in this COVID/ post-COVID world?

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Matthew Austin Matthew Austin

Edinburgh Blog #1

This is the first of a series of blogs from the team commissioned by Arts Council England to come up with a new showcase for performance from England at the Edinburgh Festivals.

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MAYK Matthew Austin MAYK Matthew Austin

Announcing England's Performing Arts Showcase Consortium

A new flagship International Showcase celebrating performance created in England will be piloted during the Edinburgh Festivals in 2021. The showcase will be led by a consortium comprising Battersea Arts Centre, Dance4, Fierce, GIFT, MAYK and Transform.

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MAYK Matthew Austin MAYK Matthew Austin

MAYK's Cultural Recovery Grant

Alongside many other colleagues and friends across the country, we’ve spent much of the past few months making the case for the importance of culture in people’s lives. This was recognised by the government who are now awarding £1.5bn through the Cultural Recovery Fund.

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